Camp Cards

The 2024 Camp Card

Camp Card resources such as Leaders Guides, Parents Guides and Unit kickoff presentations are located at the bottom of the page. Unit order form here. 

Key Dates & Information

District Camp Card Kick-off at Roundtables – At Roundtable a presentation about the Camp Card and Camp Card program is given to inform leaders about the detail of the event and sale.

Camp Card Distribution at Roundtable – Camp Cards are distributed to units at Roundtable or picked up.
Unit Kick-Off Meetings - This is where the Pack or Troop reviews the sale with their parents and Scouts.  Goals are reviewed and dates and locations for Camp Card sales.  A review of the Camp Cards and commission is key.

Payment Due – May 15th  Payment for all Camp Cards ordered are due to the Northwest Georgia Council. Units that want to continue to sell camp cards beyond the May 15th turn in date will need to settle their account. Turn in $350 club forms, and turn in the names of those Scouts that earned scholarships by the May 15th Deadline.  After this has been completed the unit will be issued a second group of cards to continue to sell. 

Cards are $5 each and 100% of sales stay local to Northwest Georgia to help support camp scholarships.

Scouts will be selling cards throughout Northwest Georgia or contact the Rome office for more information. 

1013 North 5th Ave, Suite 1
Rome GA 30165

(706) 235-5545

File Name Description
2024 Camp Card Leader Guide Download